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Essay on School Uniform | blogger.com
Find out if your paper is original. Our plagiarism detection tool will check Wonder how much time you need to deliver your speech or presentation? Don't know how to format the bibliography page in your paper? Use this converter to calculate how many pages a certain number Create a strong thesis statement with our online tool to clearly express Imagine being able to wake up every morning, roll out of bed, put on the same thing you wore the day before, and head off to school.
Not only would you be able to do such a thing, but all of your friends were doing it, too! Sound too good to be true? They have also been proven to decrease the rate of crime and violence in public schools.
Most students and even parents will argue that school uniforms stifle individualism. The teenage years are a time when adolescents try out different personas, often experimenting with different styles of clothing during this phase.
However, the clothes that people wear, or can afford to wear, often define the group by which they are accepted. As a result, many teens are outcast due to the fact that they cannot afford the top-of-the-line, name-brand school uniforms are cheaper essay. This rejection can lead to several problems for the outcast teen: depression, inability to concentrate on schoolwork, or just a general feeling of inferiority.
School uniforms put everyone on the same level because no school uniforms are cheaper essay is more stylish or expensive than another.
Uniforms allow students to interact with one another without experiencing the socioeconomic barrier that non-uniform schools create, school uniforms are cheaper essay. More importantly, children are not judged school uniforms are cheaper essay how much they spent on clothes or how stylish they look, but rather for school uniforms are cheaper essay talents and personalities. School uniforms not only break down socioeconomic barriers, but they also increase the safety of the students.
InPresident Bill Clinton encouraged the use of school uniforms as part of an education program that sought to improve safety and discipline Hoffman, 1. If students are all wearing the same type of outfit, it becomes much easier to spot outsiders who may wander onto the campus. In addition, uniforms decrease the number of incidences of students being attacked or beaten for items of clothing such as shoes and jackets.
Also, members of gangs frequently have a color or style of clothing used to identify themselves. Unsuspecting students who wear gang colors or gang-related attire might be threatened or intimidated by members of opposing gangs, students wearing expensive or fashionable clothes might become victims of theft, or certain fashion accessories or attire may be used as a means of concealing weapons, or even as weapons Paliokas, 1.
At a school in Long Beach, California, after only the first year that uniforms were implemented, overall school crime decreased 36 percent, fights decreased 51 percent, sex offenses decreased 74 percent, weapons offenses decreased 50 percent, assault and battery offenses decreased 34 percent, and vandalism decreased 18 percent Manual, 3. Schools with uniform-clad students are also proven to have fewer disciplinary problems and increased attendance than non-uniform schools.
Ruffner Middle School, located in Norfolk, Virginia, reports a 47 percent decrease in students leaving class without school uniforms are cheaper essay Manual,5. With the implementation of uniforms, students no longer spend hours deciding what they are going to wear to school. Uniforms allow students to focus more on their academics, and less on what everyone else is wearing. Many families worry about not having enough money to buy uniforms.
Due to the fact that no child can be denied an education because of economic disadvantage, all schools requiring uniforms must include provisions to assist low-income families.
For example, the Long Beach School District solved this problem by setting up a boutique shop, funded by private donors, where needy students can shop Paliokas, 5. In addition, community and business leaders provide or contribute financial support for uniforms, and students who have graduated often donate their used uniforms to incoming students Manual, 3.
Parents find that buying two or three uniforms is ultimately cheaper than buying clothes to follow the fads, and it stops arguments at home in the mornings about what to wear Oland, 1.
Pop culture increasingly sends young girls the message that the smaller and tighter the clothes, the more readily they will be accepted. These outfits, which flaunt navels and bra straps, are not only distracting, but detract from teaching time as teachers argue with students about what is considered acceptable attire.
With uniforms, there are only a few acceptable variations of the outfit, no questions asked. While this may be an illusion, these positive perceptions can help create a self-fulfilling prophecy that teachers and administrators raise their discipline and grading standards to reflect their more positive image of students, school uniforms are cheaper essay, who, in turn, behave better.
School Discipline, 1. While research on the effectiveness of uniforms is still ongoing, they have been proven to raise test scores, boost self-esteem, reduce violence and crime, and create a sense of newfound pride in students. They help children to focus on learning and schoolwork, not on what everyone else is wearing or whether or not they fit in. Uniforms are not the solution to all of the problems that teens, school uniforms are cheaper essay, teachers, and schools face today, but research and statistics suggest that they may be a step in the right direction.
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Opinion Writing: School Uniforms
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