Complicated Love Research Papers. Words | 5 Pages. was a classical ballet in which the subject of love was present in every piece. Love was portrayed not only as triumphant but also in the form of failure. The subject of love was shown in different ways Aug 03, · Any history of psychological research on love would be incomplete without reference to ‘‘l’affaire Proxmire.’’ In March , William Proxmire, then a powerful U.S. Senator, gave the first of a series of so-called Golden Fleece awards to Ellen Berscheid and Elaine Hatfield, the two most prominent love researchers of the time. They had recently received a federal grant for their work, for what he Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Introduction: On the last day of this course (day 35), you will submit the “summative” research paper in which you will argue which love (motivation) has shaped history and still shapes our world today. This is a very challenging paper, and it counts for 26% of your grade in this course
The Research on Love: A Psychological, Scientific Perspective on Love - Riordan Clinic
This sample The Nature Of Love Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price. Also check our tips on how to write a research papersee the lists of psychology research paper topicsresearch paper on love, and browse research paper examples.
There are few topics that intrigue people as much as love. Almost everybody has experienced it in his or her life, and many view it as one of the most important things in their life.
Take a look at novels in a bookstore, at the movies that are being screened at the movie theaters, or at the songs that radio stations broadcast every day. Many of them deal with love. Love seems to be almost everywhere, in one form or another.
Love is very powerful, and has the power to make people very happy. At the same time, however, love has the potential to make people very unhappy. A look in the newspaper confirms that love sometimes leads to violence, going as far as the murder of loved ones. Still, whereas there has been research paper on love contemplation over the years about love in philosophy, there was relatively little research on love in psychology until a bit more than 30 years ago e.
Only then did a broader scientific interest in the empirical study of love arise, research paper on love. This chapter will introduce you to the major research areas of psychological research on love and the theories that the researchers and theorists have developed. At first, we will have a closer look at the different kinds of taxonomies of love that exist. Then, we will explore the question of whether love has any biological foundations.
Here, we will consider biological theories of research paper on love that explain love from the viewpoint of evolution and attachment. In explaining these theories, we will first have a closer look at what the theories propose and what their content research paper on love, consider empirical studies the researchers conducted in order to come to their conclusions, and then compare the theories, research paper on love. At the end of the chapter, we will consider applications of the findings described in this research-paper, and conclude with a short summary.
Taxonomies are research paper on love to try to shed light on the different styles and kinds of love that may exist. For example, there is the love of parents for their children, the love of a high school student for the girl sitting in front of him in class, or the love of two people who have been married for 30 years. Obviously, there are some differences in these kinds of love. But then, how many different kinds of love exist, and what distinguishes them? These are some of the questions that taxonomies try to answer.
Whenever you want to conduct research on any topic, one of the most important things is that you have a good way of measuring the constructs in question. Often, research paper on love, this is done in psychology by means of questionnaires.
John Alan Lee believed that romantic love was way too complex an emotion to be assessed just by means of a simple questionnaire. To do justice to the concept of love, research paper on love, he developed a method called the Love Story Card Sort Lee, In his theory, research paper on love, there are three primary styles of love— eros, ludus, and storge—and three secondary styles of love that result from mixtures of the three primary styles—pragma, mania, and agape.
Eros is an erotic kind of love that comes with strong passionate emotions and physical attraction. Ludus is a game-playing love that is uncommitted and tends to realize itself with a variety of partners. Pragma is a calculating secondary love style that sees the partner in terms of attributes that are desired or not desired in a relationship.
Mania is a highly emotional secondary style of love that alternates between euphoria and desperation or even agony. The third secondary love style is agape, which is a kind of communal and altruistic love that is very giving and compassionate but that usually does not appear in a pure form in romantic relationships.
These styles are largely independent of one another C. Hendrick, People can be especially high on one style or moderately high on several of them. Also, it is possible to experience different love styles with different partners. The love styles, therefore, are dependent not only on the individual but also on the partner, as well as on demographic factors like age, life stage, and so forth.
They are correlated with personality traits like extraversion or neuroticism. Extraversion, for example, is positively correlated with eros and storge, whereas neuroticism is negatively related to eros and storge but positively related to mania and ludus. There are also some sex differences, with men endorsing ludus more than women, and women acknowledging more pragma and storge than men. The love styles are differentially related to relationship satisfaction. Eros and storge, research paper on love, for example, are positive predictors of relationship satisfaction, whereas ludus is a negative predictor of satisfaction.
Usually, people engage in relationships with partners who share at least some of the love styles with them.
Interestingly, however, research paper on love, studies did not find relationships between the love styles of students and those of their parents Inman-Amos, S. Research paper on love approach can be used not only in scientific psychology but also in therapy. The duplex theory of love Sternberg, has two parts. One part specifies the structure of love, and the other part, how this structure comes to be. The two parts are called the triangular subtheory and the subtheory of love as a story.
The triangular subtheory of love Sternberg, holds that love can be understood in terms of three components that together can be viewed as forming the vertices of a triangle. The triangle is used as a metaphor, rather than as a strict geometric model. The assignment of components to vertices is arbitrary, research paper on love.
Each of these three terms can be used in many different ways, so it is important to clarify their meanings in the context of the present theory. Intimacy refers to feelings of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness in loving relationships. It thus includes within its purview those feelings that give rise, essentially, to the experience of warmth in a loving relationship. Passion refers to the drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, sexual consummation, and related phenomena in loving relationships, and it includes within its purview those sources of motivational and other forms of arousal that lead to the experience of passion.
In a loving relationship, sexual needs may well predominate in this experience. However, other needs, such as those for self-esteem, succorance, research paper on love, nurturance, affiliation, dominance, submission, and self-actualization may also contribute to the experiencing of passion. These three components of love generate eight possible limiting cases when considered in combination. Each of these cases gives rise to a different kind of love.
It is important to realize that these kinds of love are, in fact, limiting cases: No relationship is likely to be a pure case of any of them. Nonlove refers simply to the absence of all three components of love.
Infatuated love results from the experiencing of the passion component in the absence of the other components of love. Empty love emanates from the decision that one loves another and is committed to that love in the absence of both the intimacy and passion components of love.
Romantic love derives from a combination of the intimacy and passion components. Consummate, research paper on love, or complete, love results from the full combination of all three components, research paper on love. In sum, the possible subsets of the three components of love generate as limiting cases different kinds of love. Differences in amounts of love are represented by differing areas of the love triangle: the greater the amount of love, the greater the area of the triangle.
Differences in balances of the three kinds of love are represented by differing shapes of triangles. For example, research paper on love, balanced love roughly equal amounts of each component is represented by an equilateral triangle. Empirical data reveal several interesting findings emanating from the theory Sternberg, A first finding is that couples tend to be happier when they have more of each of the three components of intimacy, passion, and commitment.
A second finding is that couples are happier when research paper on love have more nearly matching triangles—that is, when their patterns of intimacy, passion, and commitment are more similar. A third finding is that intimacy seems to be especially important to successful relationships.
The subtheory of love as a story holds that love triangles emanate from stories. Almost all of us are exposed to large numbers of diverse stories that convey different conceptions of how love can be understood. Some of these stories may be explicitly intended as love stories; others may have love stories embedded in the context of larger stories. Either way, we are provided with varied opportunities to observe multiple conceptions of what love can be. These stories may be observed by watching people in relationships, by watching television or movies, or by reading fiction.
It seems plausible that, as a result of our exposure over time to such stories, we form our research paper on love stories of what love is or should be. Sternberg has proposed and tested a theory of love as a story whereby the interaction of our personal attributes with the environment—the latter of which we in part create—leads to the development of stories about love that we then seek to fulfill, to the extent possible, in our lives.
Various potential partners fit these stories to greater or lesser degrees, and we are more likely to succeed in close relationships with people whose stories match our own more closely rather than less. Although, fundamentally, the stories we create are our own, they draw on our experience of living in the world—from fairy stories we may have heard when we were young, from the models of love relationships we observe around us in parents and relatives, research paper on love, from television and movies, from conversations with other people about their relationships, and so forth.
Because the stories we have analyzed were from participants in the United States, our listing is likely to show some degree of cultural bias. The stories contain some overlap, so that people with certain stories that are higher in their hierarchies might be expected to have other, similar stories higher in their hierarchies as well.
For example, research paper on love autocratic government story and a police story have overlapping elements— one partner maintaining authority and surveillance over another—so that people with a strong preference for one of these stories might also have a rather strong preference for the other.
Some examples of these stories include the following:. Several aspects of the stories are worth noting; keep them in mind because they apply to all the kinds of stories.
First, the current list of 26 kinds of stories represents a wide range of conceptions of what love can be. Some of the conceptions are more common e. The most common conception is of love as a travel story, or a journey that two people take together, trying to stay on the same path.
Second, each story has a characteristic mode of thought and research paper on love. For example, someone with a mystery-based story of love will behave very differently toward a loved one than will someone with a horror-based love story. Third, we may not even be aware that we have these views, or that they are idiosyncratic to the particular story we hold about love.
Alternatively, we may view ourselves as inadequate if we cannot conform to the view we have of relationships. Fourth, love stories have within them complementary roles, which may or may not be symmetrical. We look for someone who shares our story or who at least has a compatible story that more or less can fit with ours, but we may not always look for someone who is just like ourselves.
Rather, we may look for someone who is like us in sharing a particular story or who has a similar story but who is complementary to us in the role within that story.
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Aug 03, · Any history of psychological research on love would be incomplete without reference to ‘‘l’affaire Proxmire.’’ In March , William Proxmire, then a powerful U.S. Senator, gave the first of a series of so-called Golden Fleece awards to Ellen Berscheid and Elaine Hatfield, the two most prominent love researchers of the time. They had recently received a federal grant for their work, for what he Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Different Ideas For Writing Love Research Paper. Love has been the most talkative topic for centuries; the meaning of love has been changing with the changing times, therefore the four letter word covering countless concepts can be analyzed from different perspectives in your love research paper. Interesting in every way, love research paper would do wonders for your exam results if the idea behind the Introduction: On the last day of this course (day 35), you will submit the “summative” research paper in which you will argue which love (motivation) has shaped history and still shapes our world today. This is a very challenging paper, and it counts for 26% of your grade in this course
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