Saturday, November 27, 2021

Identity theft essay

Identity theft essay

identity theft essay

Identity Theft Essay. words 4 page (s) Identity theft is “the obtainment and fraudulent use of another person’s personal information, which can be relatively innocuous or much more serious” (May & Headley, ). Roberson () explains that identity theft is not really a violent offense, yet its victims often feel as if their world was ending May 29,  · Identity theft Essay. Identity theft is an act of stealing someone else’s identity with the intention of accessing resources or any other benefits that may come from using the victim’s name. People or even organizations can be faced with adverse consequences should they fall victims of these identity fraudsters An increasing number of criminals are using identity theft to commit crimes whose magnitude is overwhelming at times, and has dire consequences. The paper gives a clear definition of identity theft, before highlighting the prevalence of this crime and how it can be blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

Identity theft - Words | Essay Example

People or even organizations can be faced with adverse consequences should they fall victims of these identity fraudsters. Identifying the connection between the identity fraud and the data breeches is always a very hard task since it identity theft essay never easy determining how the theft was executed.

With the advent of technology, identity theft has been made even much easier to the fraudsters. Hackers now have identity theft essay to very malicious software and applications. An example of an identity theft is the case of Abraham Abdalla of Brooklyn, also known as the bus boy, identity theft essay. The victims included among the wealthiest people in America. However, his days were numbered and he was caught while he was attempting to make one of the largest transactions.

It was referred to as a software giant. This and a multitude of various other cases occur every other day, identity theft essay.

Cooperative executives are at a great risk of falling victims to identity theft. This is so majorly identity theft essay of the largesse that they always hold in the form of personal and organizational resources. This may consequently lead to large and even irrecoverable personal and organizational losses. Before coming up with ways and measures of curbing identity theft that may be targeted on the executives, it is necessary to identify the modes and means by which the theft may be executed.

Identity theft essay is also very important to note that fraudsters begin by obtaining personal and confidential information of their victims. Thus, it is vital to note some of the ways in which personal identifiers may fall in the hands of the fraudsters. In order to obtain the confidential information, the identity thieves may apply various acts. These are the so-called dumpster divers. Redundant IT equipment may also serve as a rich source of information to the fraudsters. These equipments may include, identity theft essay, amongst many others, storage media such as flash disks and other memory sticks, hard drives and mobile phones.

All these equipments, when carelessly disposed of, may be the genesis of grave problems. Identity thieves can also observe as someone types their login details in an attempt to log into their private sites in publicly situated IT devices such as computers or even ATMs. To retrieve confidential data online, the identity thieves can use spyware or even hack into computers and databases to obtain volumes of information, identity theft essay. The fraudsters do this through well-calculated guess works to crack weak passwords.

Therefore, identity theft essay, the big question becomes, how can cooperate executives protect themselves and their organizations against the identity thieves? It is important to note that the fraudsters acquire personal information or rather personal identifiers through serious breaches Neal, Ignorance and naivety may lead to identity theft essay of vital personal and even organizational details. To avert this crime, the executives should avoid unnecessary introductions or identification of themselves at bogus avenues.

This is basically known as risk avoidance Johnson, There is need to be very cautious about IT systems that require or demand excess amounts of personal information such as national identification numbers or even social security numbers. Electronic identity theft can be mitigated by maintaining computer security. An example includes fully patching identity theft essay operating systems and thus protecting them from intrusion by security threats.

Recently, there were insurance service providers who not only purport to protect against identity fraud but also to identify when an identity theft had occurred. All organizational networks should be completely secured. These persons may include office secretaries, the company IT persons, mobile phone service providers, identity theft essay, and many other stakeholders.

It is consequently important that an awareness program be carried out in order to educate these groups of individuals on how to work against identity fraud. The education and awareness program would be carried out in the form of a workshop whereby all these groups of persons would be invited.

The workshop would touch on issues such as appropriate paper and equipment dumping procedures, IT systems security, importance of risk avoidance and many other propositions. In order to ensure that the proposed measures of averting identity fraud are upheld, it would be necessary to put everyone on toes. The departmental heads can effectively do this. The departmental heads may in turn appoint monitors who would ensure that the agreed on steps are upheld and reports made on a daily or weekly basis.

For example, it would be important to assign someone the job of ensuring that all waste paper and equipment are free identity theft essay confidential information. Austin, J. Data Breaches and Identity Fraud. New York, NY: Context Press. Michelle, M. Identity Theft: How to Protect and Restore Your Good Name, identity theft essay. Field manual6 22 Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

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Identity Theft Explained - And What To Do About It

, time: 8:20

Sample Essay on Identity Theft - Essay Writing Help

identity theft essay

Identity Theft Essay. words 4 page (s) Identity theft is “the obtainment and fraudulent use of another person’s personal information, which can be relatively innocuous or much more serious” (May & Headley, ). Roberson () explains that identity theft is not really a violent offense, yet its victims often feel as if their world was ending An increasing number of criminals are using identity theft to commit crimes whose magnitude is overwhelming at times, and has dire consequences. The paper gives a clear definition of identity theft, before highlighting the prevalence of this crime and how it can be blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Identity theft is one of the most widely used crimes which involve the use of personal data by other individuals. This essay tells about identity theft background and gives the definition of this term. It highlights the ways of how the personal information can be stolen by criminals. It indicates main types of identity theft and explains the consequences of this type of crime for blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

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