Nov 26, · People began making fire deliberately to toast bananas, with the same delightful result. Visitors to the region wondered why the food here tasted so sweet, and were told they could buy the secret in exchange for a goat. This is the story of how all lands learned to use wowo, according to the Chaga people of eastern Africa. Origin stories about Nov 16, · Most importantly, domestic animals like dogs and cats are sources of security to man. The relationship between man and animals is firm with a long history. They play significant roles in the lives of people. Besides being protectors, animals provide great companions, co-workers, and benefactors to the human being May 16, · Animals also add structure and routine which keeps people mentally focused and alert. Parents teach children responsibility through having the children care for animals and even train them with basic commands. This also teaches anyone how to be more selfless as you are not the only thing that matters
Relationship Between Humans And Animals, Essay Sample
Home — Essay Samples — Science — Animals — Animals In Human Society. Any subject. Any type of essay. This article explores the use of animals in human society, how animals help humans essay. In an aim to highlight why animals are so widely used today in comparison to in the past. The use of commercial animals and their products is looked into along with working animals and those used in human culture.
Taking into account the welfare of these animals and how different industries using animals are affected by certain pieces of legislation which aim to protect animal rights. Introduction Animals are used for so much today, everything from companionship and safety to food produce and entertainment. A perfect example is a casino located in Laos which offers expensive plates of bear paw, pangolin an endangered scaly mammal and sautéed tiger meat. Furthermore, on the flip side, this is the most advanced we have ever been in the use of animals in aid.
For example some people live their lives relying how animals help humans essay their hearing dogs to keep them safe. As well as in public services like the fire brigade, many people owe their lives to these animals.
Not only this; but there are more and more people in the world gaining an interest in animals and so we are learning even more about them everyday. This is great for humans because as we are learning from natures beautiful creatures, they help us to create new technology and solve more of our problems biomimetics.
There are so many pros and cons to how animals are used in the world today, but can anything positive outweigh the amount of suffering some animals are forced to go through? Or is the way we treat them justifiable? Working AnimalsWorking animals help humans in many ways. Some of the most common animals used for work are dogs, horses and donkeys.
Humans use working animals mainly for use in the public sector; police force, army, fire brigade ect. Take dogs for example, they have enhanced senses of smell in comparison to humans. So humans use this to their advantage, hence the use of sniffer dogs. Animals are highly valuable to humans as they are able to be used to bring in a lot of money to the economy without taking any back for themselves individually!
An example of this is working dogs. In the past farmers would take out a whole pack of dogs to hunt for foxes and other wild animals. Another reason the use of animals in work has decreased is because of the technological advances. This is where technology comes in to play, robotics and machinery is as advanced today as it ever has been. For example, one of the biggest decreases in the working animal industry, is cart-pulling horses, how animals help humans essay.
For centuries, humans relied on horsepower for almost everything. Now with better cars, lorries, boats and everything in between, using a horse and cart to transport goods would just be pointless. The welfareIn most professions legally using animals for work today, the animals are treated how animals help humans essay, or at least they should be because they are protected by law to be, how animals help humans essay. There have been allegations in the past of mistreated working animals.
In March of this year many reports came to light accusing the US military to have been mistreating dogs that had been used to help detect bombs. Most of which had saved human lives.
The counter argument is that the handler is also put at risk to this. However, the difference is that the human handler chose to do that job. They have every knowledge of what they are going into and thereby know the risks and consequences associated to their job, how animals help humans essay. Animals in Human Cultures Animals are used in many different ways in human cultures.
They can be used as symbols, in the media and in sport and leisure. These are the animals that do not necessarily have to do a certain job like working animals; they rather represent something. For example a lion is seen to be an animal of great power so in sports teams it may be used as their mascot to represent strength.
Or in the media a business may use a lion symbol on their products to emphasize it being the best compared to others, how animals help humans essay. MediaAnimals can be used in the media in a variety of different ways; for marketing purposes, in the tv and film industry as well as to inform people in the news.
A lot of adverts will use animals to try to convince people to donate to a charity or help out with the organization. For example a supermarket advert aimed at families may feature a dog in their tv advert to catch the eye of other families with pets because without saying it directly, that advert is insinuating that they offer pet supplies.
Also real life news can be shared through the media very quickly, how animals help humans essay. This can be a positive or a negative because obviously if the right person posts about the right thing it can spread very quickly and public opinion is becoming more valuable in the world today, how animals help humans essay. Hence, if a bad review of an animal based workplace was to go viral, the owners would highly likely seek to change the problem as soon as possible.
In movies and tv shows animals are increasingly being how animals help humans essay. More and more people are beginning to care for animals and so movies and films which are based on animals have a big audience. Animal actors will often be requested for by directors and anyone can audition their pet. If the animal has the right look they will go through training until filming begins and the owner will often be paid well.
Sport and leisureThere are many human sports which require animal participants for example, hunting, horse racing, and bull fighting are some of the most popular. Using animals in sport how animals help humans essay remained a controversial subject as their welfare is often compromised.
The main reason people still use animals in sport is because of the traditions. Bullfighting in Spain is seen as a massive event. The circus is another big event that often uses animals. This links in with symbolism because a lot of people will associate certain animals with the circus like elephants and bears for example. PICTURE these animals are mainly used to perform tricks and get the crowd excited to bring in as much money for the circus owners.
The grand national is the biggest sporting event using animals. An estimate of million people REFERENCE watch from all over the globe and it has become a very popular topic of the media. Like bullfighting, the grand national is tradition. People train their whole lives and jockeys will hope their future children will also be jockeys so it can run in the family, how animals help humans essay.
The horse race shows how animals are used in human society because we have trained them to be able to be ridden and bred them for all the desirable features. Often different animals will represent different things in different places or within different cultures and religions. So many christians see snakes to be evil. For christians, they represent evil beings which humans should be extremely cautious of. Whereas in hinduism snakes are seen as beautiful and are a symbol of rebirth and fertility.
Another good example is the Yulin dog festival. In China it has always been a tradition to eat dog meat and 10 million dogs are killed there every year to be eaten. To eat dog meat in china in the summer months symbolises luck and is believed to bring good health.
Although attitudes are changing the festival where dogs are inhumanely killed in public still takes place every year in china for 10 days! This is completely different compared to the UK and USA and many other countries who are much more developed. Killing dogs is frowned upon in most places let alone completely illegal. However it shows how dogs symbolize different things because although some see them to be innocent, caring, loving creatures; others view them to be a source of food just like a cow, chicken or pig.
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SCIENCE Q2Week3 Importance of Animals to Humans and Harmful Animals Lesson2
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Feb 28, · Importance of animals in human life 1. They provide milk. Milk is the daily essential food for children and adults. It is obtained only from animals like 2. Meat. We consume many animal types of meat as a part of the diet. Though the vegetarian diet is good for health, we 3. Animal hair. Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins May 16, · Animals also add structure and routine which keeps people mentally focused and alert. Parents teach children responsibility through having the children care for animals and even train them with basic commands. This also teaches anyone how to be more selfless as you are not the only thing that matters Animals have been protectors, companions, benefactors, co-workers, and even best friends. Humans need animals in their lives to stay healthy mentally and even physically. Animals are used in everyday physical therapy to increase movement in the handicapped or elderly. Animals help with physical fitness which will boost their moods substantially
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