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Dissertation in ict in universities

Dissertation in ict in universities

dissertation in ict in universities

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Wael Sh. Basri, Jehan A. Alandejani, Feras M. By using a quantitative research approach and dissertation in ict in universities sample size of students, data were collected about the ICT adoption in universities and the relative performance of students belonging to four Saudi universities. Structure equation modelling was chosen to determine the validity of the research model. The Analysis of Moment Structures AMOSspecially used for structural equation modelling and path analysis, dissertation in ict in universities, was used as the research tool.

The findings reveal that dissertation in ict in universities exists a relationship between ICT adoption and academic performance in a conservative environment. An additional finding also stated that ICT adoption resulted in the improvement of the performance of female students more than the male.

A discussion of findings, limitations, and dissertation in ict in universities for future research has been provided in the study. Finally, it also provides implications of the current study to the existing knowledge. Information and communication technology ICT has become an important source of innovation and improvement of efficiency for many sectors across the globe, dissertation in ict in universities.

In the education sector, particularly, the application of ICT has become a critical part of the learning process for university students both outside and inside the classroom setting.

The government and other stakeholders in the education sector such as university management and researchers have invested millions of dollars to adopt ICT in the education system during the last two decades [ 1 ]. Most universities that have fully adopted ICT have recorded immense advancement in the application of ICT for the improvement of learning methods, dissertation in ict in universities, teaching, research, and development.

It is, however, not clear what impact the ICT applications have on the performance and achievement of students. ICT adoption in the current study is understood as a gradual switching over to automation of the educational process not only in administrative activities like students admission, registration, and evaluation but also developing a customized learning management system LMS and transferring all the courses and the related data onto it. In the sampled universities for this study, Blackboard is the LMS that has been adopted, dissertation in ict in universities.

The faculty members as well as the students are allowed access to the LMS along with its all services and the specialized online learning tools. The adoption of LMS across Saudi Arabia has facilitated the educational processes to a great extent. The rationale of studying academic performance in the context of ICT adoption is to present a significant relationship that exists between the two variables.

This study is based on the data collected from four universities of Saudi Arabia, two of which, namely, King Abdulaziz University KAU and Damam University DUhad fully adopted ICT in the educational processes while the other two, dissertation in ict in universities, namely, Northern Border University NBU and Baha University BAUare in the process of adopting the ICT in their system.

The rationale behind choosing these universities, which differ in size, geographical locations, number of students, number of courses, and also in terms of IT adoption is to frame a comprehensive research model with the possibility to generalize its findings.

These studies have posed two core challenges: first, it is difficult to determine the performance of students since the common approach used by many researchers accredits the curriculum responsible for the performance achievement in terms of grade [ 2 ]. However, Ali et al. This approach, according to the authors, has been campaigned as more extensive approach capable of yielding more accurate results compared with the narrow approach.

However, this extensive approach demands a more comprehensive and complex strategy to focus and observe the labor market.

The second challenge lies in technological changes that are rampant where it is difficult to treat their impact different dissertation in ict in universities their environment. This aspect therefore makes such research attract high contention on the ground that rapid changes in technology would render the used parameters ineffective; therefore, no conclusive results can be drawn from such studies [ 2 ].

Furthermore, many studies conducted on this subject are based on scientific studies of comparison. These studies establish that adoption of ICT technology in institutions of learning could improve the respective institution. Additionally, most of the studies have focused on cognitive results, including a few recent studies that have encountered effective results and a positive attitude towards ICT development. Based on the identified research gaps and the problem statement, a need is felt to investigate the adoption of ICT in university education programs and examine its impact on the performance of the students.

In this regard, the proposed research will carefully evaluate the manner and the extent to which universities have adopted the use of ICT and how the adoption of ICT has consequently made an impact on the performance of students. The proposed research will also identify key factors that contribute to performance of university students and how these factors are influenced by information communication technology. This section presents a recap of the findings from earlier studies regarding the adoption of ICT in university education and its impact on the performance of university students.

There have been various studies carried out to investigate the relationship between ICT and quality of education. These studies have focused on dissertation in ict in universities such factors that have been dissertation in ict in universities by ICT, but very few studies evaluate the impact of ICT adoption on the performance of university education.

For instance, Ellis and Loveless [ 5 ] indicate that higher education pedagogy can neither be isolated from academic achievement nor from the teaching process and innovation. The study affirms that the potential role of information and communication technology in higher education cannot be overlooked. Chan et al. In a similar study, Sari and Mahmutoglu [ 7 ] observe that in order to bring a change in teaching methodology in a university, a paradigm shift is required that would recommend adoption of student-centered approaches.

The new methodology, according to the authors, should aim at making the student an active element in the learning process, rather than passive through an adequate and effective guidance from the tutorial team.

Likewise, Iniesta-Bonillo et al. As a result, all relevant stakeholders involved in higher education have made tremendous efforts to ensure adoption of ICT in their university education system. According to a report published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Institute of Statistics dissertation in ict in universities, governments and university managements globally have heavily invested in adopting of information technology in their education systems.

Overall, numerous attempts, both theoretical and empirical, have been made in a bid to evaluate the impact of ICT adoption in the education system [ 9 ].

The recent research frameworks for investigating the adoption of ICT in higher education have focused only on aspects related to performance in education.

Such performance indicators have been utilized in these frameworks to establish how variables such as infrastructure and availability of other resources contribute to the impact. A few studies have also taken into account the institutional culture and implementation process at both initial and advanced levels [ 9 ].

The advanced levels, being national and international levels, have recorded a remarkable progress evidenced in the form of establishment of policies and regulations that support the integration of ICT in the education system [ 10 ].

Nonetheless, tangible achievement of all such efforts that should be demonstrated as results fuelled by the ICT or as impact of its adoption is not easily identifiable. Additionally, there also dissertation in ict in universities numerous and significant studies that evaluate and track the efficiency of the ICT application and its impact on education.

For instance, the Second Information Technology in Educational Study SITES is a study supported by the International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievement IEA which has evaluated and described how ICT has successfully been applied across 26 countries globally [ 11 ], dissertation in ict in universities.

This study seeks to ascertain how school administrations, faculty, and ICT teams deploy computers or ICT devices on various platforms.

Similarly, Cruz-Jesus et al. Further, each study has used a unique methodology and approach making the comparison of the results between the countries under study more complicated. There are several other research studies carried out to assess the impact of ICT in the domain of education. References [ 14 — 17 ] Solar et al. This is consistent with the study by Gallego et al. Babaheidari and Svensson [ 20 ] in another study make a different conclusion that the impact of ICT on learning outcomes is not clear.

Lin et al. Likewise, Wastiau et al. Such mixed results from previous studies therefore confirm that there is inadequate empirical evidence of the ICT impact on education, and also, there is an absence of well-developed and reliable theoretical studies to support the benefits resulting from ICT implementation. Macharia and Pelser [ 24 ], dissertation in ict in universities, for instance, investigated the education efficiency in Africa, while Wastiau et al.

All these studies have presented a mixed result about the relationship between the adoption of ICT and the performance of university students. This amounts dissertation in ict in universities the research gap that this study aims to fill up.

Based on the literature review, a research model was prepared dissertation in ict in universities exhibit the relationship between the independent variable, the dependent variable, and the three moderating variables of this study Figure 1. This has become the basis for the formulation of each hypothesis since the relationship between IV and DV gets affected or moderated with the value of MV of the study.

In this kind of relationship, the MV itself never gets affected but specifies that the relationship between IV and DV differs each time MV interacts with their relationship. Most quantitative research studies focus on the relationship between an independent variable X and a dependent outcome variable Y.

Statistical effects such as correlation coefficient, odds ratio, and regression coefficient are also calculated on the effects between X and Y. Therefore, the number of possible relations among the variables have increased substantially as shown in the below hypotheses. With the introduction of Blackboard, the online learning management system LMSthe faculty, and the students have come closer in their interactions.

The study of courses, evaluation, and overall learning has been much better than dissertation in ict in universities years. The university too recognized this increase and accelerated their ICT services by increasing benefits and adding new features such as uploading class seminars, audios, and videos.

Thus, students have an access to a greater amount of ICT material. This has also resulted in the increase of the ICT usage on average basis. Besides, girl students also have a restriction to attend some of the seminars, workshops, and other such in-house academic activities. However, in terms of ICT usage, there is no such restrictions. Hence, it has been noticed that girls depend upon the ICT services more than the boys. The number of usage of ICT and access to the LMS is higher among the girl students than the boys.

This necessitated the increase in services and processes equally for the girls during the ICT adoption processes. Many of these students will also choose IT as their career option. Hence, dissertation in ict in universities, a major responsibility of the university is to provide a full support to these IT aspirants in realizing their career dreams as well as proving them opportunities to acquire complete IT awareness and skills, dissertation in ict in universities.

The university therefore has to make an extra effort in the application of ICT in the education system. The methodology for this study was prepared according to the procedures recommended by Basri and Suliman [ 25 ], who suggested quantitative techniques and tools such as questionnaires for data collection.

Data collection through questionnaire enables an objective analysis of the hypotheses under study. The researcher can conveniently enter the statistical findings of the closed ended questionnaire in a data analysis software in order to quantify the results. Another rationale for adopting quantitative measures for an empirical study like the current one is that the mandatory use of the quantitative tools or software in the form of columns and tables would usefully supplement and extend the research analysis [ 26 ].

Also, the analysis based on statistical data is both validated and reliable dissertation in ict in universities there is no personal bias and dissertation in ict in universities the evidence of an objective research analysis.

The study engaged respondents from four universities, two of which, namely, King Abdulaziz University KAU and Damam University DUdissertation in ict in universities, had fully adopted ICT in the educational processes while the other two, namely, Northern Border University NBU and Baha University BAUwere in the process of adopting the ICT in their system. The study encompasses a sample size of respondents, dissertation in ict in universities, students from each university.

The students were grouped into two categories of male and female for the ease of data analysis. The purposive sampling technique assisted in getting a personal bias-free data because dissertation in ict in universities respondents were interested to participate in the study.

Difficulties arose in an attempt to administer the questionnaires as well as hold faculty interviews as both data collection methods were time-consuming, and the universities were also geographically apart at long distances. This study has made use of a close-ended questionnaire in order to collect data from selected university students who had access to ICT applications. The content validity of the items of the questionnaire was conducted by two subject experts.

The data from the teachers were collected thorough an interview with open and closed ended questions conducted on-site. After the completion of data collection, the researcher analyzed the data to check whether there were identifiable errors, inconsistencies, and incompleteness.

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